Legends leaderboard

When you battle in LEGENDS OF KARNOA you earn Legends points !

These points are crucial because they determine the seasonal ranking of participants, letting you know who the top fighter is!

The distribution of Legends Points

After each battle, you earn Legends Points based on the outcome of the fight you led.

  • If you win the battle, you earn 3 points.

  • If you lose the battle, you earn 1 point.

Each point is then added to what you already have to determine your ranking.

The ranking

Battles take place among all participants, regardless of your level. They allow you to face weaker or stronger opponents! At the end of the season, a ranking is determined, ranging from the participant with the most points to the one with the least.

As of now, we don't know the exact number of participants, so we can't determine the number of winners who will be rewarded.

However, the goal is to reward as many participants as possible with prizes such as:

  • Cryptocurrencies

  • Astralia

  • Eztia

  • Grimoires

  • etc.

The best prizes will go to the top-ranked participants. So, are you ready to battle?

Last updated