Burn of the Warriors

Details about Warriors can be found in Avatars : The Warriors.

As a reminder, Warriors are available for purchase on the site only in common versions. This section does not apply to Primus : The Heroes.

How to obtain avatars with better rarity?

The burning mechanism will come into play. You will need multiple common Warriors to obtain equivalents of improved rarity, rare, epic, or even legendary!

Here is the scale for mixing commons to get an avatar of a higher rarity:

  • To get a Rare avatar: You need to burn 5 commons together.

  • For an Epic avatar: You need to burn 3 rares together, which is 15 commons.

  • For a Legendary avatar: You need to burn 2 epics together, which is 30 commons.

Additionally, when creating an avatar of a higher rarity, you will receive one or more red keys. More details in TreasureChests about these special keys.

  • 1 Red Key when creating a rare avatar

  • 2 Red Keys when creating an epic avatar

  • 3 Red Keys when creating a legendary avatar

Last updated